Clothing Collection Centers as a Conscious Alternative

As women it feels like this is may be an impossible thought, but the reality is that there is such thing as having "too much" clothes. Those closets where we find a repeating pattern such as 5 pants of the same color, 10 of the exact same blouses or 3 pairs of shoes that could meet the same objective, we are talking about an inefficient wardrobe that could be optimized and work with fewer pieces.
If this is your case and you finally realized that it is time to get rid of some of your items, you will face a new dilemma: What do I do with my clothes?
We know that if you are a responsible consumer, you take good care of your clothes and most of them are in excellent condition; which makes the decision of what will happen to your clothes even more difficult. If you have a lot of clothes and you consider that they are in very good condition, what we recommend the most are clothing collection centers.


The clothing collection centers are places where garments for women, men and children are received, they are selected in an efficient way according to their condition, their size and the occasion of use and from there they can be given different purposes. 


There are collection centers where everything donated goes to charitable causes where it is distributed to people in need of clothing. There are ecological collection centers where the clothes are gathered, separated according to the manufacturing material and later taken to special machines where it is recycled and given a second life.


We also have the recently popular collection centers where you get a small amount for your garments in order to be resold and find a new owner. Keep in mind that these types of collection centers are much more strict with the state of the garments, so remember to only bring clothes in good condition and clean. 

If you want to know some of the most recognized collection centers in Mexico City, click here


Now that you know what options you have at hand to dispose of your clothes in a responsible way, all you have to do is open your closet and begin to consciously cleanse it, thinking that, no matter what the final destination of your clothes is, you will be doing something positive for the planet and society.


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