#WeCare — Textiles RSS

Where do our organic textiles come from?

Our Textiles come from Mexican textile producers that share our philosophy and values. Our products cannot be considered organic, sustainable and ethic, unless all of our supply chain follows these politics. 1. Paperless office Both our suppliers and Eilean, we seek to reduce to a maximum the use of paper in our internal affairs and only print when it is the only way, or required. When we use paper, we use recycled paper. Our labels are also made with recycled materials. 2. Electricity Our textile producers work in factories designed to use as much as natural light as possible and always unplug any machine that is not at use. 3. Reuse, Recycle and Reduce In the office we look to reduce...

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Organic Cotton Bamboo Fabrics

Did you know that Bamboo is the fastest-growing grass?It is capable of growing up to four feet a day! It mostly doesn't even need irrigation nor fertilizers and is grown organically. It is a great fiber since it has natural anti-bacterial and deodorization functions, while being 100% biodegradable, It can be washed fifty times and still have these properties. Also, being a natural fiber it will always be breathable and cool. A sustainable fabric, is all about how it is blended, dyed and processed, therefore, we can say bamboo fabrics are sustainable when treated naturally. How is it turned into fabric? Bamboo doesn't require the use of pesticides, but just as cotton, it needs a lot of water to be grown, making...

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Textil Rescatado

No es ningún secreto que la industria de la moda es una de las más complicadas cuando se trata de cadenas de suministro, pues estas son casi interminables y abarcan la producción, el material en crudo, la manufactura textil, la construcción de la prenda, el envío, la venta, etc.   La industria textil es responsable de producir más de 400 billones de metros cuadrados de tela anualmente, y 60 billones de metros cuadrados de esta producción resultan en residuos o desperdicios de las áreas de corte. Esto significa que aproximadamente el 15% de textiles en perfectas condiciones están destinados a ser desperdiciados por procesos inexactos de corte. Estas telas no pueden ser aprovechadas por grandes manufactureros industriales porque no son cantidades...

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