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Haz la transición de invierno a primavera con estilo

Probablemente el cambio más notorio de temporada que experimentamos en la mayoría de las ciudades con climas extremos, es el cambio de invierno a primavera. Atrás quedan los días en donde debes salir a la calle con abrigo, bufanda y botines, y al fin el sol nos da la bienvenida y abraza nuestro cuerpo, preparándolo para climas más cálidos y días calurosos en donde lo más importante es dejar respirar la piel. La primavera es una temporada donde el color es lo que vale, los tonos claros son tu mejor aliado y puedes animarte a usar todo tipo de estampados sin problema. Para hacer una transición suave entre el crudo invierno y la cálida temperatura de la primavera lo mejor...

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Can You Use Black Clothes When It's Hot Out?

We have all heard that on hot days black clothing is your worst enemy, as it tends to absorb sunlight, making us have to endure more heat than we would feel if we used light-colored clothing. But is this a myth or a reality? Well the answer is, yes and no. It is true that the color black absorbs the sun's rays, heating up more quickly and intensely than other colors. However, it is also true that much of the heat we feel does not come from the sun, but from our own body.  To explain it more simply, we will take the opposite of black: the color white. It bounces heat back, so it absorbs less energy from the...

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Create a Functional and Atemporal Closet

  We have all experienced at least once, opening our closets full of clothes and feeling like we have nothing to wear. Have you ever wondered why this happens?   Remember these tips, and make your closet a more conscious, responsible and above all functional space.

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5 pieces in your closet that are trending in 2021

At Eilean Brand we want to remind you that fast fashion and constantly evolving trends shouldn’t be the way we start a new year. 2020 showed us that we all have to slow down and appreciate what we have more than ever. So in 2021 our suggestion is to continue the sustainable lifestyle. Here is our list of pieces that could be essential in your closet throughout every season in 2021.

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